Photography is awesome. I love it. And, over the past several years of working as a photographer, it's been pretty fun to see how the rest of your life can drive your career. Several years ago, when all of our friends were getting married, I shot a lot of weddings. A lot. And because I was posting a lot of wedding photos out on the old world wide webs, I got a lot more calls from people I didn't know about shooting weddings for them too. Business took off. Then I delved into cooking a lot more. Food and commercial work started to dominate my portfolio. And I got more calls about that. Then I started to play with lifestyle photography. And guess what I got calls about that too. You can see where I'm going with this.
Now, everyone's having babies. Like, everyone. Like, I think Sarah and I might be the only people in a tri-county area who are not currently pregnant. So naturally, I'm shooting a lot more maternity and baby photos, like these for our friends Katie and Dave. If the historic pattern holds true, I suspect I'll be getting more calls about these sorts of photos soon. And I'm ready for it.
Why? Because it's something new. If all I ever shot was weddings or food or whatever, it would get old. Stagnant. Boring, even. It's the change that keeps me excited about doing this everyday and keeps it challenging. So bring on the bumps and babies.
And what's after babies? Who knows. But I bet it'll be fun. Stay tuned to find out.