'Tis the season for posters.
Man, everyone needs a poster right now. One last one for Ashland Yoga Studio quick before the holidays. It was fun to play around with a different, non-standard size for this one. I'm excited to see how they turn out once they're printed and trimmed.
Solstice Outdoors-Ski and Snowshoe Rental Poster
Usually things slow down in the late fall and early winter. Portrait season has passed and it's still a little early for the good winter sports photo assignments in the mid-west. So in years past, it's been fewer photos and more sitting-around-reading, which isn't so bad. But this year I've been busy with a lot more graphic design work. I love this stuff. Here's a new poster I just finished for Katie at Solstice Outdoors to advertise their ski and snowshoe rentals. Anyone else out there needing some design?
The Big Night.
Some more design work for a local event. This is the front of the ticket for the event watch for a poster and some other items coming soon. Oh, and if you want to reserve a ticket for this (I'm for sure going, so it must be awesome) call Julie at (715) 373-5565.