Here's the final version of the tilt-shift stop-motion film that I worked on with Creative Communication & Design in Wausau. This took literally thousands of still frames to make. It was a super cool project to work on and great people to work with. There are some really cool things coming out of their creative department.
Small World.
Here's another shot from this summer that I just got around to archiving. I don't have much to say about it, I just love the colors in this image. This was taken with a tilt-shift lens from the roof of a parking structure in Wausau, Wisconsin. Origininally designed for architectural photography tilt-shift lenses can be used to correct for converging verticals and other perspective related distortions. They can also be used to create this effect commonly referred to as miniature faking. Kind of cool. This was part of a project I did with an old friend from college. Craig's a designer with a firm down that way. Always a blast to work with him.